Sunday, January 22, 2012

5th Annual Vandergriff Science Fair!

Hello Vandergriff Students! We are excited to be having our 5th Annual Science Fair! The Science Fair will be held Thursday, February 23rd at 6:00-7:30 PM in the Vandergriff Cafeteria. The registration form and everything else you will need to complete your project will be posted on this blog.
Have fun with your projects and feel free to send me pictures of you doing your experiments and I will post them on the blog!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grizzly Scientists Hard at Work

Many of our fellow "Grizzlies" are having fun working on their science fair projects. Here are some fun pictures of Ally Setser of Mrs. Cornett's class conducting an experiment. Way to go Ally!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Registration Form

Save the Date!

Welcome Science Fair 2011

Hello Vandergriff Students! Everything about the science fair is pretty much the same as it was last year except the date. The 4th Annual Science Fair will be held Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00-7:30 PM in the Vandergriff Cafeteria. I will go ahead and re-post the registration form to avoid confusion.

Have fun with your projects and feel free to send me pictures of you doing your experiments and I will post them on the blog!

Monday, January 4, 2010

We Have A Scientist!

Isabell Met, a 3rd grader in Mrs. Cornett's class, has had fun with science over the break! She has been watching the chemical changes of metal in various liquids and chemicals.
Here are some pictures of her working on her project!
Way to go Isabell!!!

Judging Sheet

***Note to Parents***
This is what the judges will be using to judge the projects. It is a pretty simple judging sheet. There is one part I would like to talk about. On the section Child Oriented it says, "Does the project show evidences of having been done by the child?" Does that mean as a parent you can't help your child? No, but we do want to see that the child has had the opportunity to think through the project and put the project board together. We are not looking for perfection. The main purpose of the science fair is for kids to have fun doing science not parents showing off their skills.